Website Accessibility
The Cardington-Lincoln Local School District has taken steps to ensure that this site is at least minimally accessible to people with disabilities who use assistive technology to access the Internet.
Cardington-Lincoln Schools takes additional steps to ensure that its website is accessible. Pages are periodically tested using assistive technology, such as a voice browser or screen reader program, and the website administrator continually assesses the website to improve usability and accessibility.
We welcome your comments about the usability and accessibility of this site. If you are having a problem accessing any part of, or would like to make a suggestion for improvement, please .
Intro to District Communication
Parent and family involvement is the key to student success. No one single factor has more impact on student achievement than the number of postive adult influences that a child has around them. A key to these positive adult influences is consistent communication with schools and availability of resources and support.
Parents and family members who have questions or concerns about school business should reach out to the adult or employee who is most directly responsible for the program or department. To help in this process, we have created a document titled "Who do I call or email..." Please see that document in the link to the left. If you cannot find who you are looking for, see below.
If you have any questions, please call 419-864-3691 or send an email to
In addition to our links, the Ohio Department of Education has several pages and resources devoted to parent and family engagement. Please visit their website for more information.