• CLLS Board of Education

    Board of Education and Administration, front row pictured left to right: Chad Holt, Superintendent, Todd Spinner, Board President, Matt Clinger, Matt Longsdorf. Back row pictured left to right: Pat Clark, Treasurer, Erin Long, Sarah Struck.

    The Board encourages any concerns or complaints to be resolved with the school employee involved or that person’s principal or supervisor.

    Please reference Public Participation at Board Meetings and Board Policy Reference Information page for appropriate connections. Emails sent to individual Board of Education members, or the Board as a whole, may constitute Public Records under ORC 149.43. As such, the confidentiality and/or anonymity of your communications may not be guaranteed.

    If you have questions about the confidentiality of communications or have an issue related specifically to a student in the district, please contact the appropriate building administrator.

    The Cardington-Lincoln Board of Education members are elected during the general election in odd-numbered years. During the first 15 days of January, the Board meets to elect a president and vice president.

    The board’s primary function is that of policymaking.  A board should have clear and concise policies to do the job it is elected to do.  After policies have been adopted, administrative procedures are established.  The board then depends upon its superintendent to implement these policies, goals and objectives.

    The superintendent is the chief executive officer for the board and school district, while the board of education is the legislative body of the school district.

    Evaluation is another primary responsibility of the board of education.  The board evaluates the superintendent and treasurer on a regular basis.

    Board members are not administrators; they are not educational professionals; they are not evaluators of staff other than the superintendent and treasurer.  Board members are not to be involved in employment interviews other than those of the superintendent and treasurer unless appointed as a separate committee of the Board.

    Responsibilities of the Board:
    Make rules and regulations necessary for the government of the school district, its employees, the students, and all persons entering on school grounds or premises
    Make sure students are provided with educational opportunities
    Appoint a superintendent of schools and invest such powers in him/her as may be legally delegated
    Appoint a treasurer
    Act on personnel and policies recommended by the superintendent
    See that the annual budget is prepared and acted on
    Pass an annual appropriations measure
    Adopt a master calendar annually
    Enter into contracts with all personnel in the manner required by Ohio laws
    Levy taxes with a vote of the people to maintain schools

    About the Board Meeting
    Residents of the Cardington-Lincoln community are encouraged to attend Board of Education meetings. Regular meetings are held the second Monday of each month, at 6:00 p.m., in the Lillian James Library at the Cardington-Lincoln High School.

    Ohio's Sunshine Law mandates that school board meetings be open to the public with the exception of executive sessions.  In an executive session, the Board may discuss, but not vote on:

    The appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of an employee or official, or the investigation of charges against an employee or official, or regulated individual requests a public hearing;
    The purchase of property for public purposes or the sale of property at competitive bidding;
    Disputes which are the subject of pending or imminent court action in conference with an attorney;
    Preparing for, conducting or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with employees;
    Matters required to be kept confidential by federal or state statutes;
    Specialized details of security arrangements or emergency response.