• Cardington-Lincoln Preschool

    The Cardington-Lincoln Preschool is an integrated preschool program that operates in the Elementary School at 121 Nichols St..  An Integrated Preschool Program is an inclusive program providing services to children who are three years old to school age.  The classrooms are taught by a licensed preschool intervention specialist and supported by one or two educational assistants, maintaining a 2:16 ratio. The preschool program is a rich learning environment for students with and without special needs. Currently, we have two classrooms which are half day programs. The students attend class Monday through Thursday. Each session, morning and afternoon, can host up to eight students with special needs combined with eight peer model students. 

    Enrolling Students

    Peer model students must turn 3 before August 1st to be considered for enrollment in preschool. In order to begin the process of enrollment, please complete the Preschool Application and return it.  Be aware we are operating on a waitlist for our preschool, so there is no guarantee that your child will be able to attend due to the extensive waitlist.

    • Once your child is on the waitlist, they will stay on the list until they attend kindergarten if there is no spot available.  At times, due to family circumstances, an opening may become available during the school year and families will be contacted from the waitlist to fill the opening.